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SemanticNetworkAPI Usage Guide

The SemanticNetworkAPI in the UMLS Python Client allows you to retrieve semantic type information using the TUI (Type Unique Identifier). This guide will demonstrate how to use the SemanticNetworkAPI class effectively.


Before using the API, ensure you have your API key to interact with the UMLS database. If you don’t have an API key, you can obtain one from the UMLS User Authentication page.

Setting Up

Below is how to set up the SemanticNetworkAPI class:

import os
from umls_python_client import UMLSClient

# Set the API KEY

# Folder path to save files
PATH = r"C:\path\to\your\output\directory"

# Initialize the SemanticNetworkAPI class with your API key
semantic_network_api = UMLSClient(api_key=API_KEY).semanticNetworkAPI

Replace C:\path\to\your\output\directory with the actual directory where you want to save the files.

1. Retrieve Semantic Type Information for TUI

This functionality allows you to retrieve semantic type information based on a specific TUI (Type Unique Identifier).

# Fetch Semantic Type Information
tui = "T109"  # TUI for 'Anatomical Structure'
semantic_type_info = semantic_network_api.get_semantic_type(
    tui, save_to_file=True, file_path=PATH

This example retrieves semantic type information for the TUI “T109” and saves it to the specified file.

2. Retrieve Semantic Type Information for Another TUI

You can retrieve semantic type information for a different TUI and choose to return it in RDF format as well.

# Fetch Semantic Type Information for a different TUI and in RDF format
tui = "T121"  # TUI for 'Pharmacologic Substance'
semantic_type_info_2 = semantic_network_api.get_semantic_type(
    tui, format="rdf", save_to_file=True, file_path=PATH

This example retrieves the semantic type information for the TUI “T121” and returns it in RDF format.

Arguments Used

These arguments help control the output format and allow the user to save the results to a file.
