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Welcome to the UMLS Python Client

The UMLS Python Client is a comprehensive, modular, and user-friendly API client designed for healthcare developers and researchers. It offers seamless access to UMLS data, simplifying interactions with various healthcare terminologies and codes. Our client provides five distinct groups of APIs, encompassing every single REST API from UMLS with all query parameters and additional features.

Why Choose UMLS Python Client

Available APIs

Our client divides all REST APIs into five main parts for better organization and ease of use:

1. Search API

Search for concepts using various parameters such as words, exact matches, and codes across UMLS terminologies.


Retrieve information for Concept Unique Identifiers (CUIs) from the UMLS Metathesaurus.

3. Source API

Fetch detailed information about source-asserted concepts or descriptors.

4. Semantic Network API

Explore the UMLS Semantic Network and its relationships.

5. Crosswalk API

Map codes between different terminologies and vocabularies in healthcare.

Key Features

How to Get Started

1. Install the Package

Install the UMLS Python Client using pip:

pip install umls-python-client

2. Initialize the Client

Initialize the UMLSClient with your API key:

from umls_python_client import UMLSClient

api_key = "YOUR_API_KEY"
umls_client = UMLSClient(api_key=api_key)

3. Explore the APIs

You can explore the available APIs below:

API Name Description Documentation Link Colab Notebook Link
SearchAPI Search the UMLS database for terms and concepts. /searchAPI Open in Colab
CUIAPI Retrieve Concept Unique Identifier information. /CUIAPI Open in Colab
SourceAPI Access source-specific content in UMLS. /sourceAPI Open in Colab
SemanticNetworkAPI Explore semantic relationships. /semanticNetworkAPI Open in Colab
CrosswalkAPI Map concepts across vocabularies. /crosswalkAPI Open in Colab

Click on the documentation links to learn more about each API and use the Colab notebooks to try them out interactively.

Example Usage

Here’s a quick example of how to use the SearchAPI to find information about “diabetes”:

from umls_python_client import UMLSClient

api_key = "YOUR_API_KEY"

# Initialize the SearchAPI class with your API key
search_api = UMLSClient(api_key=api_key).searchAPI

# Perform a Basic Search
#############################"Performing a basic search query for the term 'diabetes':")
search_results =
print(f"Search Results for 'diabetes': {search_results}")

For more examples, please refer to our documentation and interactive notebooks.

Documentation and Resources


We welcome contributions from the community! If you have any improvements or new ideas, feel free to open a pull request or an issue on our GitHub repository.

Support and Future Updates

We are committed to maintaining and updating this client to support all future changes in the UMLS APIs. If you encounter any issues or have feature requests, please open an issue on our GitHub repository.

Contact Us

For any questions or support, please contact us at